Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Other people's clothes - get into them.

I was once very wary of buying second hand clothing. Extremely fearful of broken seams and miscellaneous stains. But now I feel quite put out if forced to pay double figures for clothing, aside from jackets, trousers, shoes. Since I've embraced the 'vintage' clothing lifestyle I have discovered that 5 is the magic number. For $5 you can get a dress, top, scarf, bag, skirt, lots really. A few things I try to avoid, still the broken seams and stains, as well as worn fabrics and things that obviously wouldn't fit, despite the over enthusiastic stall holder (we know what they're up to).

Fashion Illustration - by me.

When at the market there may be stall holders who are selling new stuff... sure they've made it themselves... they've been inspired by decent trends... they are sticking it to the sweat shops... but in the end, I'd rather buy the old stuff. At the moment I'm particularly fascinated with fashions from the 90s. In some cases, cause it's not quite vintage, people will charge even less. Amazing. Another thing I've noticed is how silly retail chains are basing their ranges on the vintage market trends, targeting the less inspired shopper. For instance, I bought a silk shirt for the magical price of $5 then saw a very similar shirt in a retail chain for $89. Well, well, that is when the market goer has a little moment of glory, and $84 to spend on whatever they please.

Fashion Illustration - by me.

These days my weekends are always open to the opportunity of markets and garage sales. I can not get enough. I wonder when the thrill will be gone... who knows, I'll just see how it goes. Such fun!

Fashion Illustration - by me.

And here are some more illustrations which have been done in Illustrator, with my dear friend the graphics tablet. These illustrations have been inspired by the good folk I see at the markets.

I would like to write and post more pretty pictures however my lack of spectacles and failing computer battery are telling me to say my good byes, perhaps a little prematurely. Until next time - go get that $5 item, you will treasure it I promise.

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